How do I create posts?
To create a post, simply head to one of the spaces and click on the New Post button in the upper right corner. From there, you’ll be able to start drafting your post!
There’s a lot that you can do with posts, so take some time to familiarize yourself with what’s possible. You can format your text in different ways, add emojis, tag other community members, include images and videos, embed PDFs and social posts, and more.
Pro tip: Try typing a forward slash symbol (/) into the body of your post to pull up a menu of all your options!
Once you’re happy with your post, click on Publish post to publish it to the community, or select the downward arrow to save your post as a draft or schedule it to be published at a later date.
You can also edit your posts even after you’ve published them. To edit one of your posts, click on the three dots (•••) in the upper right corner of the post and then select Edit post.
For more information on creating and editing posts, check out these articles from Circle: